Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Netflix'd: R.O.T.O.R.

            You do not need to know R.O.T.O.R. stands for.  You DO need to know that all the voices seem dubbed over, even though it's an American film.  There is nothing you can do to make this music any more 80's, cheesy and terrible.  There is also nothing you can do to make this movie less terrible.  The crazy robot cop rampage responsible for the title of this film doesn't occur until well into the second half of the film.  In fact, we paid so little attention to this film that there's a good chance I'm about to lie to you.  Neither of us should feel bad about it.
            So there's a business that makes robot cops.  Their best and brightest is a crappy 50's style hypochondriac robot made out of plastic and dryer ventilation.  Apparently that's where ROTOR (Robotic Officer Tactical Operation Research) comes in.  This company is building a humanoid robot cop to clean up the streets, because the 80's were pretty horrific.  This is basically a terrible, terrible, terrible Robocop knockoff.
            All of the actors are forgettable.  So forgettable, in fact, that almost none of them have pictures on IMDB.  The entire first half of the movie is incredibly boring and crappy, before getting action-packed and boring and crappy for the second half.  This movie is worst of everything:  Shitty acting, terrible special effects, incoherent plot that doesn't kick in until everyone is already bored out of their mind.  I have nothing to say other than, fuck this movie.  It has 2 stars on IMDB, but a 51% on RottenTomatoes.  Either there are a shit load of potheads watching this movie and loving every minute, or Hollywood really is an evil bastard.
            The robot's weakness?  Car horns.  He can walk through walls and beat up rednecks all day long, but he can't take a car horn.  I have nothing to recommend this movie, as everything is hackneyed and dumb.  There are movies that are so bad they're good, or so cheesy they're goofy, even movies that are so silly you can't help but enjoy it.  This is none of those.  It's irredeemably bad.  Awful.  Terrible.  Do not watch this movie.  If have seen it, then I am sorry.  If you haven't, keep it that way.  The movie is so cheap and terrible in a bad 80's way that they DRAW a goatee on a white guy and make him pretend to be Hispanic, and somehow you just know they didn't do it for laughs, but because the filmmakers were just that stupid.

            This film was recommended/requested by David Hsu, and it's unanimous that we hate him.  Because of this.  Forever.

As always, our remarks are in normal font, the film is in italics.  Special thanks to Joe Cam, Sian, Kat, Jacob, and Jacob's roommate Jon for watching this with me, and Black Chad for chatting with us even though he couldn't see the film.

"This has all the writing of X-Strikes first movie, and none of the charm."  "Oh, that's gay."
"This is the kind of music made by a guy who couldn't cut it in the 80's porn music industry."
"One man, one wang, one man with a wang, on a mission to protect the world."
Sing the following in a country voice:
"Gotta take my diabeetus pills." 
"Eat some goddamn carrots."
"I wake up early and beat my wife."

Okay, now stop singing.  Please.

"Danger, danger Will Robinson, danger!"
"I wonder if that's a Hispanic robot since it's cleaning."  "That's racist."  "Jorje-5 is alive!"
"I just heard that robot say 'The Germans defecated livers, sir.'"
"I think that can of Coke paid for 90% of the special effects."
"This guy is eye-fucking me right now."
"Wait, this cowboy is the scientist?  I thought he was the taxi driver or something."
"Where's the ice cream truck?"  "Is he afraid, or turned on?"
"That hair is like a bowl cut and a mullet at once."
"C'mon baby, we're goin' to the Golden Corral."
"Oh my God, he programmed a horny asthmatic Jew as a robot cop."
"He looks like he wants to be Dancin' on the Ceiling."
"That really does look like the Brady Bunch house, holy shit."
"Holy shit that guy's beard is painted on!"
"Did he just call him monkey?  What the fuck?"  "I think he said Mokie, but that's still fucked up."
"In the 80's you could judge a woman by the size of her hair, the bigger it is the more vapid."  "Yes, and the larger her shoulder pads the more evil she is."
"Back into him at 2 miles an hour, that'll teach him."
"I'd take this film much more seriously if his leather pants didn't have back in them."  "So, you like your robot cops to wear assless chaps?" "Yes."
"It's like a chainsaw set on frappe."  "What..?"  "I think I need to set my chainsaw tomorrow to see if it's got a frappe setting."
"This movie brought to you by Coca-Cola aaaaaand shitty acting."
"It's a rainbow holographic sticker on his helmet!  He's a rainbow gay robot cop!"
"That guy looks like Danny McBride if he got buff."
"I found the angriest lesbian I could."  "I have a feeling she would rip us apart like a phone book."
"The shame is that we were too young to experience all the cocaine that went into this film."
"She has a 5 o'clock shadow."  "If those two were to have kids, she would just pop out bricks.  Actual, literal bricks."
"She's gonna bench press us, then fuck us and not cuddle afterwards."
"You don't happen to know any good Indian trackers, do you?"  "You don't happen to know any good stylists, do you, skunk-head?"
"So she's not fighting him, she's actually hitting on him."  "This is her foreplay."


  1. This was an awesome party today. Nice for us to have a good sized group. Shame that my connection was shitting out in the last half and I missed a lot of talking. I blame Jacob.

  2. Posting here just to say it's a good thing we did that movie when we did. It's no longer available for streaming.
