Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Calling All Artists! A new challenge has been unlocked!

The time has finally come!  Like any good unloved, untalented bastard child, Mainstreamin' desires to be legitimate.  That's right, it's gonna have its own website, just like a real boy!
Unfortunately, priorities matter and Mainstreamin' can't be a cool, attractive website without a decent logo sexyin' up the place.
That's where you artists come in.

Because I know my audience (as well as human nature) I am offering something in return.  There will be an actual prize of a real $30 Amazon gift card to the person whose logo is chosen as the winner.  If that doesn't get at least three or, then nothing will.
The guidelines:  Something that would look GOOD on a banner.  Incorporate the name "Mainstreamin" and make it film-related.  That's really it for the rules.  You can gussy up the word itself or make the background awesomesauce.  Whatever you wanna do.   I'm not going to pretend that I am an art critic of any sort, but please no Comic Sans. Even an overly verbose wordsmith has standards, you know.

Send all submissions to tarasdbutrej at the, title your email "Mainstreamin' Logo" and the winner will be announced August 1.

Good luck artisty types!

Edits/addendums:  Here's some stuff I failed to put into the original post...
1.  Deadline is 28 July because I know how you guys work.  Everyone entering will have it to me at 11:59:58 the night of the deadline, and I need at least a few days to judge all (both?) the submissions.
2.  Some more of what sort of logo I'm looking for include absolutely nothing.  Go for it.  Make it cool.  Make the letters movie-themed, make the letters boring and the background awesome, I don't care as long as the whole logo is impressive.
3.  Don't rip anyone else off.  A gift card shouldn't be enough of a reason to steal someone else's work.  I'm going to run the top picks across people who actually paid attention in art class, so hopefully we'll weed out the cheaters.  I just don't want to find out five years from now that some jackass stole the logo from an obscure Belgian website or something.
4.  Keep it PG at most.  I know I write for adults, but it doesn't mean I want a giant dick hiding in the logo.
5.  While I am looking for downright awesome, don't over-complicate your entry.  Make it cool without trying to reproduce the Sistine Chapel....that's just plain showing off.


  1. I know my idea of a giant cock with the word "Mainstreamin" on it would never win, but I'm REALLY tempted to make it and submit it anyways.

  2. I'm inclined to agree with Joe on this one.

  3. Right, cause he's fucking mainstream. ;P
