Sunday, June 16, 2013

This is the End

I am convinced that if you hire Danny McBride to be in your film, you are contractually obligated to have at least one giant dick somewhere in the movie.

            On to the review!

            The only other movie that I've been looking forward to more than This is the End this summer is TheWorld's End.  Interestingly enough they're both about apocalyptic scenarios.  This is the End is just on a slightly larger scale.
            As you all know from the previews, it's about the rapture, with the good getting sucked up to heaven in a blue light while the sinners are stuck on earth.  Unsurprisingly those sinners include almost all of the Hollywood elite. 
            We begin with Seth Rogen picking up his friend Jay Baruchel from the airport.  Immediately we know this is no regular comedy since everyone uses their real name.  This, my friends, is meta-humor.  Actors playing themselves in a fictional scenario.  Mindblowing.
            After an afternoon of chilling out, Seth talks Jay into going to James Franco's house-warming party.  Despite Jay's protests, they head over to hang out with other famous Hollywood actors.  There are a ton of cameos from Aziz Anzari, Mindy Kaling, Rhianna, Paul Rudd, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Kevin Hart and more.  However, Michael Cera steals the spotlight early as the douchebaggiest version of an actor you could ever hope for. 
            However, Jay doesn't really dig the party atmosphere, so he asks Seth to go with him to buy a pop from the local grocery store.  That's when things get weird.  People start disappearing in beams of blue light while everyone else is thrown into chaos.  By the time the initial 'Ragnarok' event is over, the only people left are Jay, Seth, James Franco, Jonah Hill, Craig Robinson and Danny McBride.  Everyone else is fled or dead.
            Then shit gets really weird.  These six are left to fend for themselves as they try to figure out what's going on, trying to survive with just a little bit of food, some water, lots of alcohol and too many drugs. 
            Fortunately for us, all these guys are good actors and great comedians.  There's rarely a minute that doesn't go by without something hilarious happening on-screen.  You can tell everyone's comfortable with everyone else because the flow is downright amazing. 

            Honestly, I don't want to say anything else about This is the End other than you should watch it!  It is definitely the year's best R-rated comedy.  I liked it even better than the original The Hangover.  Yup.  That's it.  Short review.  Go see the movie.

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