Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September Vacation

            It was a tough decision, but I'm going to take September off.

            I love Mainstreamin', and I love having an excuse to watch terrible movies like Total Recall and make fun of them.  Although, I love getting to see movies that I expect to suck, like Warrior, and finding out that they do indeed not suck. 
            You either get to read my angry tirades or you get a solid recommendation without any fluff like Four Stars or This gets a 8/10.  From the beginning, I wanted to recommend movies by comparing them to other films that the reader has hopefully seen.  It requires a slightly more extensive knowledge of film on my part and yours, but I still feel like it's a lot more accurate than random letters or numbers.
            Unfortunately, the month of September isn't very kind in the movie department this year.  Sure, some things are coming out, but nothing looks very good and nothing looks very bad.  Simply bland films, as far as the eye can see.
            I don't think I'm losing motivation.  I love watching movies, and I always look forward to writing about them.  What I am losing is time.  I need a few weeks to build a backlog, do things at my own pace, and settle in to my new home. 
            I worried about losing readers by taking such a long hiatus, but I think enough of you find my style of rambling entertaining enough to come back that I can continue my amazing weekly readership of around 8 hits.  (Seriously, you think I'd actually tell you how I'm doing?  This is a blog, people.  Nobody finds out until I get sponsors.)
            I still reserve the right to change my mind with Looper or Dredd, but for right now the first peep you'll hear from me is when Taken 2 hits theaters.

            Until then, good luck finding the films that you love, the ones you hate, and the ones you love to hate. 


  1. You either go see Oogieloves and take a month off, or you don't take a month off. That's the only way I see things as being fair. :D

  2. If I did that, I'd have nowhere else to go because I'd have viewed the epitome of failure. Then I'd have to shut down the blog.

    Also, there's a reason my only rule from day 1 was 'No Children's Films,' with an exception for Miyazaki films.

    Also also, HELL no. *shudder*
