Wednesday, May 15, 2013

TripleRaidio Summer Movie Spectacular!

            I have a confession to make.  It's hard, but I must come clean.

            Are you sitting down?  Good.

            I have not seen a terrible, horrible, no good very bad movie on Netflix in almost a month.  Sure, there were a few stinkers, but nothing has filled me with righteous fury.

            Fortunately, what I HAVE done recently was guest in a podcast!  Yes, I managed to not screw up my first guest appearance back in December, so the wonderful crew over at X-Strike Studios asked me to help them dig through the crowded field of films that are set to debut between now and the end of August!  
            You can listen to or even download the podcast right here.  Now, instead of spending just a few minutes reading my usual Wednesday article, you can enjoy over 90 minutes of movie experts* dissecting over three months' worth of movies and telling you what to see and recommending what to avoid!  
            Even better, all the members of X-Strike--Tim, Rory, Juese and Dave--have magical vocal properties**!  Just pop in this here podcast, and it will make you better at whatever it is you are doing***!  If you want to run, it will help you run 10 times faster than you ever have before***!  If you want to relax, this podcast will make you so relaxed you'll become one with your couch****!  
            So do yourself and the world a favor.  Check out the podcast and get addicted to our amazing knowledge of film then stick around the X-Strike site for more podcasts about all things awesome, as well as their new, fantastic, improv podcast!  

*None of us are experts.
**No they do not.
***No it will not.
****Well, maybe.

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