Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Dirty Sanchez: The Movie

            Someone, somewhere, recommended I check out a film based on the fact that I enjoy pranks, comedy, and Jackass.  Now if only I could remember who so I could throw a golf ball at their testicles.

            On to the review!

            Dirty Sanchez is the Welsh/English version of Jackass.  In 2006 they rode the wave of 'people doing stupid shit to themselves' popularity and made Dirty Sanchez: The Movie.  However, whereas the cast of Jackass and even The Dudesons were more into ridiculous stunts and goofy, rarely mean-spirited pranks, the boys of Dirty Sanchez are all about being as disgusting and pain-inflicting as possible.
            The four members are Matthew Pritchard, Lee Dainton, Mike Locke and Dan Joyce and in the span of 90 minutes they inflict enough pain on themselves and each other to send a dozen elderly ladies into shock.  Yes, Jackass had 'stunts' like drinking sweat and tying a bottle rocket to a penis, but they were always interspersed with sillier, goofier stunts.  The boys of Dirty Sanchez don't like silly.  They go for shock and awe but often end up delivering shock and disgust.
            In order to give the movie a plot, the film opens with the boys getting ready to pull the most ill-advised stunt they can think of, ending with them all dead and at the devil's doorstep.  Satan tells them they get one more chance in life but they have to wreak havoc while living out the seven deadly sins.  These sins take them to 7 different locations throughout the world, with each country being loosely connected to a particular sin (i.e. Japan - Pride, Thailand - Lust, etc.).
            But the pranks.  The pranksThey are mostly horrifying.  Yes, there are some genuinely funny ones.  For instance, one of the members, Mike 'Pancho' Locke can sleep through damn near anything.  Of course this means that he has to be abused while he's sleeping, and it happens often.  At one point they spray paint him green and cut up his clothes to make him look like The Incredible Hulk. 
            In another scene they convince one of the guys that there is a Guinness World Record for most times being hit with a paintball (102) and so he willingly gets shot 103 times.  He stands still in only goggles and a jockstrap as the other three take turns blasting away at him, 10 shots at a time.  (Though funny, it's still ridiculously mean-spirited.)
            Unfortunately, for every entertaining prank there are a dozen wretched, disgusting, over-the-top ones.  Like getting liposuction, then later having one member drink a tablespoon of the lipo fat.  Or slicing the tip of a finger off.  Or eating another man's vomit snot bubble.  Or getting a tattoo on their penis.  Or driving a nail through the flesh between the thumb and pointer finger for a few hundred dollars at a club.  Yes, these were all in Dirty Sanchez: The Movie.
            While I think these guys had a few great ideas, there was just too much self-inflicted harm to be funny, and for a very large portion of the film they were laughing alone while I merely cringed.  Basically, the crew of Dirty Sanchez have taken stunts a bit too far for me to want to follow on any more journeys.

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