Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stumping for Opinions

            I was going to do a review of Holy Motors but the more I thought about it, the less I felt I could actually explain what was going on in the film, let alone why you should watch it.  Just do yourself a favor and watch Leos Carax's wonderful movie in which Denis Lavant is game for anything and everything.  It's less a film and more a collection of ideas, but those ideas run the gamut from strange to downright wonderful.

            To fill out today's critical void, I have decided to stump for opinions.  Currently, here are the next several films I intend to watch:

            Mar 29: G.I.Joe: Retaliation
            April 5: Evil Dead
            April 12: Scary Movie 5 (sob)
            April 19: Oblivion (But I'd rather see Lords of Salem)
            April 26: Pain and Gain
            May 3: IronMan 3
            May 10: TheGreat Gatsby
            May 17: StarTrek Into Darkness
            May 24: Fastand Furious 6 or The Hangover Part III?
            May 31: NowYou See Me

            Now here's where you come in.  What should I see on May 24?  Or hell, what should I see on any of these weekends?  If I have overwhelming reader requests, I'll bow down to them and actively seek out a different film.  Whether it's something you guys are curious about or if you just want to try and punish me because you're a horrible, twisted person.  I'll be fine.  I know my readership.
            On top of that, what are YOU excited for in the next two months?  What do you think will be great, and what are you expecting to fall short of expectations?  Are there any under-the-radar films you can't wait to see, or are you just ready for blockbuster season to start?  Hit me up with some comments and let me know what you're looking forward to, whether it be action, comedy, explosions, horror, drama or lens flare.

1 comment:

  1. I want May to happen. I hope GI Joe is worth the wait (probably not tho). I'd rather hear about F6 cause the Hangover 3 is going to be pretty awful. BUT if it's NOT, I'd rather hear it from you first. ;p

