Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Death of Mainstreamin

In case you haven't noticed, it's been a few months since I've written anything here.  For that I am sorry.

You see, I was asked to be the 'movie guy' over at DrunkMonkeys and I jumped so fast at the opportunity that I didn't even leave a goodbye note on your pillow. 

Yes, I am still doing film reviews.  But no, I am no longer posting them here.  I may revive the site sometime in the future but right now all my efforts are split between giving Drunk Monkeys them the highest quality writings I can provide and working to revive my poor, totally abandoned site Planned Random.  

I'm not done reviewing film.  Far from it.  This year I've set the goal ridiculously high for myself in terms of quality and content.  But I really want to reinvigorate the part of me that still longs to write other stuff.  So I'm going to be fair to myself and my benevolent overlords over at Drunk Monkeys.  

If you're still interested in my film opinions, please check out all the awesome stuff I've already done over at their site (especially if you like horror!  I did thousands of words on horror from the 1920's to now).  Then please stick around and find out what I've got in store for you this year.  (Oh yeah, and they also have awesome other stuff, but you won't need me to tell you about it.  Just a few minutes browsing their site will sell you on it.)

As for all my non-film related material, it's going to Planned Random.  Fiction, horror, non-fiction and opinion pieces will adorn its shiny surface.  I'm going to use it both as a place to ramble on as well as a way to polish myself in 2014 and hopefully beyond.  I would love your support at both places as well as your opinions.  

Thanks again for being so amazingly supportive of Mainstreamin'.  It was a pleasure.

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